
The Mutoscope was an early motion picture device.

In 1894,  three American and one British, Herman Casler, Harry Marvin, Elias Koopman and William Kennedy-Laurie Dickson whom joined forces to develop a peepshow motion picture device called a Mutoscope. The British inventor who had invented the world’s first successful motion picture camera and viewer when he was employed by Thomas Edison, and who now was helping to produce a rival to his own invention, the Edison Kinetoscope.

Mutoscopes are similar to flip books but instead is in a mutoscope machine. Flip books are flipping different scenes of images in a book but mutoscopes is basically a machine that has each individual frames in the machine and to be able to make them animation, there’s a handle for you to rotate a wheel that has different frames, so it’s a lot easier to flip and its faster.

‘What the butler saw’, was one of the first photographic motion picture viewers.

This is a rough idea of how a mutoscope is when its handmade.

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